Apr 23, 2008

Big Mistake..

Did you watch American Idol last night? I really feel bad when Brooke forgot her song lyrics and decided to start from the very beginning..I like her a lot especially her personality, I hope she can still make it to the final 5. The judges were a little bit upset but Simon said it was a brave one of doing it. If only she pick the song that she already familiar with, I am pretty sure she won't have that problem..but anyway, at least she was able to finished the song and explained why she did that..whatever happens for me, she is still one of the those talented creatures hehehehehe.


Christinehaze is SC's author said...

Yupp, it was a big mistake, but as the judges said it happens already.

She is a very sweet girl, too sweet actually, hehehe.

Anyway, how are you?


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