Nov 24, 2007

Too chilly!

It's started to get very cold here. Last Friday me and my husband went to walmart for a big sale,we go there 30 minutes before they will open and I saw lots of people lining waiting the door to open. I'm just glad my husband decided to stay in the car to wait co'z if he does I can't stand outside and wait co'z it's too chilly for me. It's 10 degrees and icy. I really admire those people standing and waiting and some of them brought their babies! I can't believe it..I would never do that to my kid for some reason babies is very fragile and sensitive.

Well anyway,I hope you guys are having a great thanksgiving. We spent our time with my in-laws till morning. Lots of food and I love it all! My mother in-laws cooked lots of foods and a whole turkey since it's my first thanksgiving here. I enjoyed my time and looking forward for my next turkey next year:-)



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