Oct 25, 2011

The Travel Channel

Authored by Leandro Delgado

My husband and I have been saying we would take a trip to Europe for longer than I care to admit. We are not so good with the planning part, as it turns out. Planning a transatlantic trip (to multiple countries, no less) is a daunting task. Every time we sit down to plan the trip, we start out strong. This time will be different, we say. We’ll follow through. We’ll decide on two, maybe three countries, we’ll decide which cities we most want to visit in those countries, and we’ll put together an itinerary. Our plan normally falls apart right about the “deciding on two, maybe three countries” part. We absolutely cannot agree on which countries to see. In fairness, this is partially my fault. I spend more time watching The Travel Channel on expert satellite than is probably healthy. Great Weekends or Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown? Love it. No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain? Yes, please. All that Travel Channel has evidently made it very tough to pick the places I want to visit most. I guess eventually I’ll just cave and let my husband pick the countries himself. In the meantime, I’ll be on the couch watching Samantha Brown eat and drink her way through Turkey. Or some equally awesome country.



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