Oct 27, 2011

Half Way Ready!

Christmas is soon to come and to tell you honestly, I am half way ready! I wrapped most of our present and put up the Christmas tree. I know I am too early but I am pretty sure I am not alone. I just want to get ready because I do not want to forget anything on that special occasion. We will be having a thanksgiving here at home with my family and friends and that is why preparing ahead of time is necessary because there are so many things that needed to be done before Christmas.
I still need to buy more gifts especially for my husband and I am thinking to buy him the latest truck gps but I am not sure which truck gps works great because I know how picky he is and I wanted to give the best one. I am already eyeing some and I am crossing my finger that he’ll like it. It’s kind of hard to decide which present to give for my husband because he is very picky!
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Oct 25, 2011

The Travel Channel

Authored by Leandro Delgado

My husband and I have been saying we would take a trip to Europe for longer than I care to admit. We are not so good with the planning part, as it turns out. Planning a transatlantic trip (to multiple countries, no less) is a daunting task. Every time we sit down to plan the trip, we start out strong. This time will be different, we say. We’ll follow through. We’ll decide on two, maybe three countries, we’ll decide which cities we most want to visit in those countries, and we’ll put together an itinerary. Our plan normally falls apart right about the “deciding on two, maybe three countries” part. We absolutely cannot agree on which countries to see. In fairness, this is partially my fault. I spend more time watching The Travel Channel on expert satellite than is probably healthy. Great Weekends or Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown? Love it. No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain? Yes, please. All that Travel Channel has evidently made it very tough to pick the places I want to visit most. I guess eventually I’ll just cave and let my husband pick the countries himself. In the meantime, I’ll be on the couch watching Samantha Brown eat and drink her way through Turkey. Or some equally awesome country.
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Proud of Him

I was brushing my teeth and Alex came over and said, mommy come look, I spelled my name! he normally ask me how to spell his name and what letter to write next but not this time. I am proud to see him writing his name without any assitance.he can write it through pc or in the paper..way to go kiddo!
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Oct 13, 2011

Connecticut Electricity

Today life is getting tougher and that is why saving is very essential to each one of us. Income is low yet commodities are high. I was very surprise when I talked to my cousin yesterday who lives in Connecticut when she told me how she saves money with their electricity bill. She only pays half of our monthly electricity bill. I wish I lived in the same place where she was at so I can avail the connecticut electricity and saves money. I considered her lucky because our electricity in our area is very high and to be able to save half of what you normally pay monthly is such a huge saving and a better life for everyone.
How about you? How much did you pay for your electricity a month? I bet you don’t pay as much as we are paying if you lived close to my cousin!
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New Laptop For My Mama!

I got a new laptop for my mama the other day, I was lucky enough to find affordable laptops at thesoure.ca. It was my plan to buy her one since my visit there few months ago. I was going to give her my old laptop when I was there but my older sister needs it more than my mother, so this time, it is my mother turn to have one. She is very excited but asking a lot of questions how to use it. It might take a while before she can learn how to use the laptop but I know for sure that she will do just fine. My older sister already letting her using the laptop that I give to her and she said, mama is learning slowly.
Anyway, I am very excited to ship my box next week so my mother can have her laptop soon! It’s my birthday present for her.
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Our Vacation

It's been 3 days now since we stayed at Tenaya Lodge and so far, I am enjoying every seconds being at this place. I love the ambiance, the weather, the food and the people! I am so happy to have an opportunity like these, being able to travel somewhere with my family. There are lots of traveler who stays in this place, they have 297 rooms but fully occupied and I can understand why. Just the place alone is already a huge bonus. Anyway, we will be leaving on Saturday morning and fly back to our hometown so friends, see you in a week!
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Oct 7, 2011

Still Working

Jason is still working on rebuilding our shop in preparation for winter. He replace all the wall and put new wiring and I am really hoping that he can get it all done by the end of this month so I can start putting our stuff there. I already was eyeing some wire management online in case he needed more material for his wiring because he mentioned it to me last night that he might need more. I wish we can hire people to help him out with this rebuilding but we are in a tight budget right now. Anyway, there are only few minor things that need to be done in the shop and I think we can get it done before winter.
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