Feb 8, 2008

She's not Smart ENough:-)

Last night we're watching " Are you smarter than a 5th grader" the contestant is really smart she was able to answer all the question without using some of her 5th grader classmates. She already won half a million and decided to go for a million question but sad to say she asnwered it wrong and leaving with 25 grand only! That's really sad if she only decide not go on, then she can leave much more higher that what she got. You can't blame her anyway because the subjects of her 1 million question is her favorite subjects in school and it's really tempting to go for a million question. I really thought she can win a million.. DO you watch that show too?


Just Mhe said...

I guess being able to reach half way to a million is already smart. Smarter than me for sure, hehehe. Anyway, I wish to watch that show but sad to say its only on in America and not here in UK. How I wish!

Have a great weekend dear friend!


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