Aug 22, 2007

totally awake!

I know most of you guys are still in bed, dreaming:-) well I am wide awake right now. My husband leaves early for work,he used to hug and kiss me before he leave and called me when he got to his office, so now I can't sleep back and decided to just logged in here. I am so happy when my husband got home yesterday,first he gave me a gift card in Macy from one of his friend at work. She gave that card as gift for helping her during the company picnic.And then my husband said that my mother in-law has a surprised for me. I am so excited and keep on bragging him to tell me what's her surprised ,until he finally gave up and told me some clue. It's a guitar! music plays a big role in my life. My husband gave me a keyboard and now I will have a guitar so it's perfect! I am not a good player though thats why I wanted to have my own guitar for me to learn more. Well,I cna't wait to have that soon!



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